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M.U.G.E.N said:
Khuutra said:

You're confusing the argument with whether or not these trends (which are very real and easily acknowledged if you try to familiarize yourself with science fiction or fantasy in either storytelling medium) are a good thing with whether or not they are true. The former has nothing to do with the latter.

Alpha Protocol is the WRPG you are ttryign to think of.

Asimov's ideas are possible. So were Verne's.

Being grounded has to do with justification. Name me one JRPG - one - that tries as hard to ground itself in physics as Mass Effect does. You can't do it.

Racing on the moon is perfectly realistic given a setting wherein travel to the moon is trivial (which it will eventually be). Don't confuse realistic with "realistic when set in today's world". They are very different concepts.

Being fiction does not preclude grounding oneself in hard fast rules established by a game or work's own cannon. "Ggrounded" magic is magic that operates according to one set understanding, one set of rules, where possibilities are laid out and magicb ecomes an extension of physics.

You're just illustrating that you misunderstand what is meant by "grounded" and "realistic".

I will agree that you disagree; but you only do it because you're wrong.

(1) wow you just can't seem to accept that we have opposing views on this and shut up for crying out loud.

(2) Valkyria has no flying ships, space cowboys, bold space marines, aliens, sex with human looking aliens or in 'comparison' it is MILES more grounded in reality (you know what you know and understand to be true today?) and physics that we know of (you know not the 'theories' the 'reality'? the proven ones?) than ME in every darn way..

(3) it's about strategy which makes sense with 'most' of the weapons based on 'realistic' expectations of what we KNOW (not theorize) today. So yes there you go :)

(4) You speak of magic as if it was road rules or speak of magic as if throwing fire from your had is grounded since the game tells you it's possible!!! So why the double standard here? JRPG's have the same sets of rules same ideas?

(5) I think you're illustrating the fact that you live in a dream world where all sci fi works has the possibility of coming true since very few has been so and hence the same will apply to gaming since hey it's the west and it's sci fi! we will for sho go to planet X to capture the space villain Dragon-X who is a mystical dragon who will kill non stop unless a certain magical spell bound by rules of it will damage 500 points when used once is used on it!

Your statement

"Racing on the moon is perfectly realistic given a setting wherein travel to the moon is trivial (which it will eventually be). Don't confuse realistic with "realistic when set in today's world". They are very different concepts."

(6) Just proves my point...cuz you know why? NEWS FLASH! IF it is not realistic today, it's not realistic!

(7) cuz Realism is based on......REALITY! Killing a dragon or racing on the moon or finding princess mononoke on Pluto since that's where she lives (duh) is possible too ya know? the probability of it sucks monkey balls but it's still possible...

(8) so is growing some crazy hair while summoning ifrits...just because it's not done today doesn't mean it won't be done in the future!!!

oh wait no that doesn't make sense if what Bathesda said was true...oops

(9) again typing this much is a pain on a sunday and I like short short I'm gonna stop this back and forth bickering now cuz clearly since I don't agree with you I'm 'wrong' and you won't stop until I say hell yeah you're right lol so sure knock yourself out

ps: Just to clarify why this whole (10) omg wrpg's kicking jrpg butt has come about ONLY because of the new settings WRPGs are exploring nothing more nothing less...But games like demons Souls and VC are a good start if creating more variety for JRPGs and I hope they keep it up

1. This is deeply ironic coming after a post where you said you were done.

2. You're confusing elements that are not currently possible with elements that are not theoretically possible. Again, they are not the same thing.

3. It's about as realistic as Fire Emblem, which is to say that realism is not one of the justifications of its settings. It doesn't care about scientific theory or principle. That's fine. Pretending it's realistic is a crime against language.

4. My point is that there usually are rules of magic in more serious western fantasy. It's rare tat there are rules for how magic works in Japanese fantasy. Of course there are exceptions - Okami goes a long way toward jsutifying its fantastical elements - but those are the exceptions, not the rule.

5. Nothing of the sort. A lot of scifi isn't grounded at all. THat doens't take away the idea that there are cultural trends toward realism or fantasy in different storytelling traditions.

6. Horse poop. Realism can be based on observation of possibility as much as current circumstances. By your logic, no story set more than a few years in the future can be "realistic", which is hogwash.

7. Realism is based on understanding. There is a difference.

8. Summoning ifrits while 'growing crazy hair' does not fit under any understanding of what's possible or will ever be possible.

9. I'm willing to bet you won't.

10. You're off the track here. I don't prefer WRPGs to JRPGs. That isn't what this topic is about. It's about recognizing differences in storytelling modes between the two cultures, not making some kind of value judgment based on those differences.