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M.U.G.E.N said:

wow so much spin this post :S it's crazy ok ill go one by one then

First off Stop talking about books...this is about games because I assure you east has MANY good sci fi work, Ironman comes to mind.

why do you keep using sci fi as a basis for being more realistic? That's just silly. You say read this sci fi book that sci fi book to try and prove your point as to why sci fi is more agreeable...I will also tell you that many sci works have been utter rubbish! Jules Verne or H. G. Wells are no exception to the rule...I actually think Steam Punk fiction is more interesting than any sci work west has put out yet I do not think one is more realistic than the other....again until it's proven and been done it's fiction, it's a fantasy...going to a far away planet is a fantasy for us also seem to be ignoring many many wester rpg's that cater to western mythos...dragon age for example! how is that game not fantastical? How is elder scrolls not fantastical? How is oblivion not fantastical? It's all dragons magic yada yada it's all based on zero scientifical backing

I never implied grounded is based on the setting alone however setting does help. Racing on earth vs racing on the moon in a game is very different. So the setting is VERY important as it sets the stage for the rest of it. Again many wrpgs are about magic, warriors on a quest (may it be space marines or a a knight in the medevil days), finding and teaming up with other characters to fight a common evil. These are all ungrounded fantastical ideas. Why is JRPG's any different? Because their dialogs are different? Because they actually have some hair on their head?

Give me a WRPG that is based on current existing science and physics and nothing else. And don't start with the books because I have not seen most of Isaac Asimov's work have come to reality, I have not seen aliens invading us to just die by a bacteria, I have not seen a time machine, I have not seen people travelling to the age of jurasic to hunt the dinos...until these things happen they are all fiction, all can call it w/e you want but these ideas are no less or more grounded than the ones from the East.

What is magic? have you seen it? has it ben proved? You say WRPG's follow 'rules' of magic etc. What rules? It's all fiction, it's all fantastical ideas that come from the minds of the creator. In that sense also JRPG's have their own 'rules' they follow...mainly if you strive enough you can break through ANY rule set by the game. That's just ideology nothing more nothing less

They are different yes, but saying one is more grounded in facts and such while the other is not is just being blind....and again the person who made this statement has ZERO cred since he doesn't play JRPG's anyways.

Anywho this doesn't seem to go anywhere..and typing this much is tiring on a sunday :P so if you still disagree let's just agree to disagree

You're confusing the argument with whether or not these trends (which are very real and easily acknowledged if you try to familiarize yourself with science fiction or fantasy in either storytelling medium) are a good thing with whether or not they are true. The former has nothing to do with the latter.

Alpha Protocol is the WRPG you are ttryign to think of.

Asimov's ideas are possible. So were Verne's.

Being grounded has to do with justification. Name me one JRPG - one - that tries as hard to ground itself in physics as Mass Effect does. You can't do it.

Racing on the moon is perfectly realistic given a setting wherein travel to the moon is trivial (which it will eventually be). Don't confuse realistic with "realistic when set in today's world". They are very different concepts.

Being fiction does not preclude grounding oneself in hard fast rules established by a game or work's own cannon. "Ggrounded" magic is magic that operates according to one set understanding, one set of rules, where possibilities are laid out and magicb ecomes an extension of physics.

You're just illustrating that you misunderstand what is meant by "grounded" and "realistic".

I will agree that you disagree; but you only do it because you're wrong.