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Carl2291 said:
voty2000 said:
Carl2291 said:

I know, right.

Super Mutants running around a city wearing dresses and growing to dizzy heights while also screaming at you and trying to shoot you/rip your insides out is super realistic.


It's more realistic than taking your turn in a fight :)

Something that has never happened, and is likely to never ever ever happen ever... Is more realistic than something that can, will, has and does happen?

I fight super mutants on my way to work every day with three friends and we all attack at the same time.  My Japanese co-workers attack one at a time and are slaughtered.  Instead of the mutant fighting three people at once, the mutant essentially fights only one person at a time and is usually victorious.  I wish they'd learn to fight because the funerals are really starting to get to me.