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novasonic said:
pizzahut451 said:
novasonic said:
pizzahut451 said:
novasonic said:

There would have only been like 1/5th the wars, and a lot less sickness and death... Less raceism.. less everything bad. Religions are outdated concepts that work great in small anchient communities, but cause hatered and war on a large scale.

i love how people blame relgion for mankind's faults...

Religion caused many of man kinds faults. It's also man kind's biggest faults. It's slaughtered more people than any other person or country ever has or will.

i agree, papers in bible were so sharp they caused lot of paper cuts killed so many innocent people...

The millions of people slaughtered over ignorant religious beliefs would really appreciate that.

Yes, Jesus was very supportive about killing people and raping women..oh wait, HE WASNT. The only ones who are responsible for people's deaths were people (the greedy and corrupted ones) themselfes. Some people use religion as a tool to blind other people to go to war for them. This isn't however, religion itself's fault. . Its PEOPL'S fault. im sick of explaining this in evry off topic thread. How can you possibly believe that humans are totally innocent and that religion is to blame for everything is really beyond me.