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sapphi_snake said:
Coca-Cola said:
sapphi_snake said:
2000cc said:

You can never say never, but I personally believe that evolution by natural selection is a more likely cause of how we are than intelligent design

But then I kicked out of church for being a bad influence on my christian friends and eventually their families made them stop talking to me, then with all the difficulties we just lost contact, so I might be more partial to a non church method


LOL... I knew a girl that was kicked out of church. Then again they did that 'cause she accidentaly set a priest on fire. I think he got a restraining order against her.

I can't say that I got kicked out of a church, but I was asked to leave 4 times. 

Why? Did you set a priest on fire too?

One time I was asked to leave because during my confirmation interview, the pastors and elders asked me questions like, 'have i smoked, drank, and such'.  I told them the truth!  When I got home 40 minutes after the interview, my dad knew everything - those guys told my dad the answers I gave them.  haha.  So my dad, who was an elder, and couple of other elders asked me find another church.