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best thread I seen since I came off mah undeserved ban...........

unlike most people...most sad....sad.........sad people, those of us with brains and who choose to use them saw what Sony's angle was with the ps3.

fanboys go: " wait what, ps3 had a purpose and was launhed with a reason my tiny fanboy mind refused to see???

Me: "yes little fanboy yes...

as everyone knows, the playstation 3 was extremely expensive, now to most at the time it was only expensive because Sony is stupid and "TEH ARROGANCE ARRRRGGGGH!!" but to the rest of us, it was because of the tech within the playstation 3, mainly being the cell processor and bluray that made the cost of production of the console to exceed over 800 dollars, see fanboys Sony was hurting themselves more than you, not very arrogant huh? But why did the CELL and BLU-RAY cost so much, well they were almost alien technology that was new to the scene. Sony took a risk on the tech that (as they kept saying but very few choose to listen) will benifit them in the !!LONG TERM!! only a moron thought Sony believed they would make profit and be fisrt place AT LAUNCH of the ps3, that was in all ways impossible, they were selling an understocked console for a more than 200 dollar loss.

Sony knew they would take a hit, a hit that they would recover from further down the line....... as they have. in 06 it must have been hard to see Sony doing any good with the ps3, fast soward to today, sony's doing good with the ps3, is it Sony "stopped teh arrogance or is doing what they said they were going to do from the start. anyway, what Sony has done with the ps3 has made it extremely easy for them with the transition to the ps4, now that expensive tech is not expensive, and the alien tech no one could handle is becoming as easy as pie to develop for, more importantly with the 3rd parties, who are now producing quality akin to sony's 1st parties.

so i predict a twice a powerful for have the cost, as the bases for the ps4, simple because of the continuing success the the big engine that could. Now my thing is, you can only beat a king on the kings terms, Sony has only dominated in the generations that they lauched at a 300 dollar price point, and with dominated being a total understatment if you know what I mean, can you picture what a afordable at lunch powerful playstaion will do to the market. see Microsoft and Nintendo have to face their true challenge seeing as Sony bascially gave them this gen...

now on to the psp.......... their is no freaking way Sony can f**k with nintendo in the handheld market, like a said, gotta beat a king on the kings terms. but while I belive in no way can Sony fuck with Nintendo in sales having sold almost 60 million handhelds is no failure, in no way shape or form, Sony's problem is having thier software match the hardware in sales. piracy is killing the psp, more so than the ds because the vast majority of psp's market is the pirate age. now I've seen some really halirious nintendo fan threads claming 3rd parties will never support psp because of the ds, one that you gilgemesh tried to talk some sense into lol. but look quality software is out of the picture, psp has some of the greatests games ever on a handheld.

what I purpose Sony do with the psp is creat a powerful, profitable, unhackable, dual analoge psp. the games are thier they just need to sell, stop the piracy and sales you will have, now as far as console movers go Sony's ace in a hole is thier first parties, If I were sony I would market the psp as the hardcore handheld with miniture versions of thier best console franchises, uncharted, lbp, GT, killzone, etc. the better controls via dual analoge they would get alot of support. you don't have to outsell nintendo to be successful in the handheld  market.


on a side note of handheld analogue sticks..................... something that struck me odd as there wasnt a billion threads made....... that an analogue stick on the 3ds??????? wait *looks at previous nintendo handheld anaologue* wait......wait...... does this mean it can't be.......did........did............TEH INNOVATORZ!!!!......c-...cop......copy...............SONY O_O no...... no....... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO *universe explodes, time undo's itself and everyone cease to exist* or............... the fucking world goes on and no one gives a shit , 

see nintendo fans everyone does it. or now does this mean Nintendo is nothing but a copy cat and never ever ever innovated anything ever in the history of ever.......