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ssj12 said:
Nirvana_Nut85 said:
ssj12 said:
Coca-Cola said:
ssj12 said:
Coca-Cola said:

Ann Rice has her reasons and i can respect that, but I don't think she needed quit Christianity.

If you quit Christianity, what are your reasons?


Its a false religion. Follows tales from other religions.

Christianity is a false religion?  or all religion are false?

well the majority is false, but Christianity is probably one of the worst offenders for stolen tales and stories from past religions. Majority of all Christian tales from Adam and Eve the birth of Jesus is stolen from Sumarian tales.

Well, most people already know that the Roman Empire at the time amalgamated  Christianity with it's current pagan traditions and customs when it became the offical religion, but at the same time you do realize the whole comparison that the "Bible" stole it stories from the Egyptians, Sumarian's ect is completely misrepresented by people like Peter Joseph and Joran Maxwell who never back up their theories with actual evidence but instead quote wack jobs like Zachariah Sitchin, Manly P. Hall, and Helena Blavatsky ( which the latter two were lucifereans)

Zeitgeist refuted final cut is a real good video to watch if your interested

and here's a pretty good site as well

This is some of the stories translated from early Sumerian myths. Notice the similarities to several religions texts and stories.

Also who cares if they were lucifereans. You do realize that they have similar beliefs as the Greeks rather then people who believe is Satanism? There is nothing wrong with believing another groups beliefs and twisting them a bit. This is how many religious sects formed.

Which if I'm going to go discussing Satanism, I'd love to point out that the entire idea of Satan and the underworld was created by more-modern priests used originally as a scare tactic for the younger generation at that time to follow the teachings of the bible which later branched out as the belief that it is now.


Edit: After watching some of the videos from your first link I want to laugh. While yes, there is no way any of those things link up I laugh at the fact that there is an overall belief that Jesus was more than a normal human. Guess what? I have yet to see any real evidence that he was. From everything I've seen over the years is that he was a normal human whose skills were of a carpenter. When he thought he spoke to his "father" who would also be all of mankind's father, he went on a quest that spread a modified version of the Hebrew faith which him being the Messiah. His way of curing people was with purified/clean water probably from the northern most parts of the Roman empire. His death was also committed not by the emperor of Roman, but rather his followers since he didn't want to get his hands dirty because he himself wasn't sure what to believe or think other than Jesus might be a little batty at best. Tales of his resurrection that probably never happened and was no more than hallucinations on his followers part.

Also, you might be interested in knowing that Judas and Jesus might have had a discussion about Jesus's death. Jesus wanted to die and be next to his father. He wanted to leave his "shell" of his body and leave the place he didn't belong. Judas was also stoned to death afterwards even though he followed what Jesus wanted.

They weren't satanists, satanism follows the idea of the rebellious spirit of lucifer and don't actually believe in him while a luciferean believes he is an entity. The church did creae the idea of an underworld while giving the name "the devil" to make it appear more "fictional" but if you actually read through a bible, lucifer was described as a being of light, being referenced as "the morning star" ect. 

While your point of view of trying to explain Christ is interesting, I personally believe otherwise (to each his own). I'd also like to know how you came to the conclusion for trying to explain christ, and his prophets halucinating (what would they be halucinating from,lol) Also, I wouldn't really go on the apparent "samarian" tablets that were excavated in Iraq. It's more than likely a hoax.

" Rebellion Against Tyrants Is Obedience To God"