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I was never really religious, although as a kid I had no problem believing. My grandfather, whom I grew up with, was a believer and my parents considered him very religious. Looking back now, he wasn't really. He was a lot closer to the type that just takes the "love thy neighbour" approach and doesn't bother much with what the church has to interpret. And I didn't have a problem believing that there is a god who wants me to do good stuff because that's basically the same thing the people around me (including my pretty much agnostic parents) wanted me to do. I was never told about sinning, going to hell, being damned and whatnots. It was basically a Santa Claus thing, even if on a more spiritual level.

I moved back in with my parents when I had to start school and they must have thought belief was alright because when I was around 7-8 y/o they bought me a couple of abridged kids' bible stories collections and the likes. The thing is I didn't like many of the people and the things that happen in those stories, and that was before I'd started noticing organized religion. I can't really pinpoint when I completely stopped believing in the christian god and in various bible dogmas. Though I knew I was gay at around 15 and as far as I remember I didn't worry over the religious problems of it one bit.

I wasn't pushed around about believing or not past the first few years, I think I dropped the belief almost naturally, no big rebellion and philosophy. Nothing since has motivated me to reinstall the belief. Overall from the religions I know something about, I can see a few good basic rules on behaviour (and it makes sense since people had to live as a society and get along), and a lot of rules that are simply so ancient and nonsensical that I can't take them seriously even if I wanted to.