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dallas said:
lestatdark said:
dallas said:

Because all religions are just as false.  They all have rhetoric, something that shouldn't be in a religion in the first place.... you know all of the "pentecostals/baptists are the best thing around" or   "the jews suck"   or coming from pagans  "the christians suck but all other religions are cool"  .  The hymns themselves are propaganda  , they just make you repeat and sing about how great god is, and how devoted we are. 

Nice way to generalize pagans there  

Actually pagans just hate hypocrisy in every religion, not just in Christians. Personally, as a Wiccan myself, I have nothing against the actual message of Christianity. I just loathe the manipulation that the church and the people behind it have had during the ages.  That can be said for other religions, like Muslims as well. 

There's actually a lot of pagan vs christian kind of animosity, some pagans have dislikd me right from the start after they found out that I was a christian ( at the time), and another would always talk smack about christianity to make me feel bad or piss me off.  So, my experience shows that pagans are kind of butt-hurt about the majority of christians not liking them, but mabey that's natural.  Either way, i didnt appreciate it, and if I know someobdy to be pagan in the future, i'm not going to discuss religion around them, becasue they can take things that others beleive personally.  Heck, even you have just said that you don't like some of the things that the church has done and your pagan friends would probably be confused at you hanging out with a christian, right?

I think pagans or atheists hate Christianity because they believe all Christians are like the main stream Christianity.

I've met atheists and agnostics whose ideas of Christianity I disagreed with.