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Rath said:
zgamer5 said:

the stuff in my post say that their is no possibility that they attacked iraq because of political action. do you know what happened in the 90's? iraq invaded quwait, america came and helped them, and america has an amry base in quwait, quwait which also has a high reserve of oil. so america defended quwait for justice? all the soldiers lost in both wars against iraq for democracy?  obviously you don't know about the relationship btw the us and the middle east. in the 1970's all arab countries stoped giving oil to the us for months and that is when the first idea of hybrid cars started to occur. isreal did a massive deal with nissan so they could have in a couple of years, cars which work by electricity, and instead of gas stations they will have charge stations, this all points out how oil is important. i live in the middle east, i know how things are here, ever wonder why america has such an important relationship with isreal?

do you have proof that america invaded for so it doesnt appear weak? yes i can play the same game.

before the war against iraq bush said that they are going on a "crusade"(yes he used the worst world possible) against terrorism, turns out their are no terrorists, also the war iraq shows americas weakness against militias, against people who know their streets, against people who arent afraid of death, so if they did go for to show that they are strong then it absolutely failed,

Nope, no proof that America invaded so that it didn't appear weak. I'm merely saying that it's my opinion and quite a viable alternative to invading for oil. I opened this thread to ask for evidence that America invaded Iraq for oil which is why I was hoping you would post some rather than just rhetoric.

Since all you've actually posted so far is rhetoric I don't really feel the need to respond any more unless you post even some indirect proof of the benefits America has gained oil-wise from invading Iraq.

theoretic? it is true that the arab countries stopped giving the us oil in 1970s, and thats how the idea of a hybrid car came to mind. it is true that bush said we are going on a crusade agasinst terrorism and their were no terrorists, so now it has to do with politics, so america spent billions of dollars they gave away lives for political reasons, your too blind to realise what your country did wrong. america is the most hated country in the world just because they are the most powerful, not because they abuse their power and put their noses where it doesnt belong.

il let you believe what you want, after all how can a man change his views if he only knows his countries history.

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