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Rath said:
zgamer5 said:

their is no evidence about biochemical weapons( or something like that ), i dont know if i remember his name but their was a black guy in the staff of bush which admited that he was tricked and that their was no threat. now what did the us do? they reinforced their troops in quwait possibly getting more oil, and now they are getting oil from iraq. yes their isnt proof but if it wasnt for oil then what is it for? for fun?

As I've said multiple times in this thread. Oil isn't the only possibility for the war, politically war after 9/11 was a good idea.

have you talked to people from iraq? politically is it like bush said that america is going on a crusade to ride the world of terrorists starting with iraq a country which has the 2nd biggest supply of oil, a country which is also close to iran. so your telling me that they attacked iraq just to send a message? or to free the country of their elected and loved dictator(the majority of the people loved him), bullshit, saddam shoudnt have died, bush should have, first vietnam now iraq putting their noses were it doesnt belong. we all know that the war in afghanistan isnt only about al qaida its about oil also. we also know that bushes dad had ties with bin ladin,  we also know that it is america who armed iraq and possible al qaida.

Being in 3rd place never felt so good