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Shipped consoles do not count as sold consoles because they have not been sold to consumers. A retailer may overstock on one console in order to have units consistantly in stock, but at the same time not be able to make demands on another console.

In this case, the PS3 is overstocked. Retailers have enough PS3's to sell for an extended period of time (no clue how long). However Microsoft isn't even meeting retailers demands for consoles. Retailers keep selling out their 360S models.

Now does this mean because PS3 has shipped over 2 million extra units then it has sold, that the console is only 2 million sales closer to 360 sales? Absolutly not! If Microsoft could produce enough 360's to meet retilers demands, the difference would be well over 6 million consoles, and if that were the case, would the consolesales difference be over 6 million? Not until microsoft has sold another 700,000 more units then Sony in the next few weeks.

Thats probably going to happen though, lol.

I'm really curious about which console this holiday will lean towards. Both consoles have a big blockbuster title, however Microsoft has recently released a Slim model, and the Kinect is looking to be a bigger system seller then the PS3 Move controller. I think Microsoft will be the better selling system this holiday, and for the entire year, but if Sony pushes hard the next 2 years it still has a chance to become second overall. I say this because after Gears of War 3, I don't see too much content being released on the 360. That is unless Kinect takes off, then the 360 is basically garenteed second.

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