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To No1 and Beyond!

Disney can celebrate long and hard thanks to ‘Toy Story 3’ which rises from a debut position last week of No5 to claim No1 this week ( 78%).

The game launched on Friday 16th July, ahead of the UK release of the film on Monday 19th July.  ‘Toy Story 3’ is already the second highest grossing film of 2010 worldwide and had the highest grossing opening weekend for a Pixar film…all of which helps to explain the huge rise in sales this week and means that Disney claim the overall No1 for the first time since week 22, 2007 (the second week of ‘Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End’).  Rockstar/Take 2 climb 2 places to No2 with former No1 ‘Red Dead Redemption’ (-13%) and Ubisoft drop one place to No3 with ‘Dance on Broadway’ (-16%).  This week’s lone new entry is Square/Nintendo’s ‘Dragon Quest IX’ for DS debuting at No9, while Microsoft’s 360 exclusive and former No1 for the last 2 weeks ‘Crackdown 2’ drops all the way to No10 (-59%).

Activision Blizzard’s ‘Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2’ at No11 (-29%) is outside of the Top 10 for only the second time in 37 weeks…however the title is fast closing in on the all time unit sales record here in the UK, currently held by a certain ‘Dr Kawashima’ on DS – more news on this topic in a few weeks.