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MrPickles said:
Alas, it was only a 5-year contract, which has now expired.

OT: they should keep RE5 on the HD consoles--survival horror games need cutting-edge graphics to stay immersive and scary,

That's not true. It's that certain kinds of art direction need a certain level of processing power, but it has not been established that RE5 will be like that. And some survival horror games can still work on the 5th gen. Play Dementium the Ward.

so a ported version would likely not have the proper effort put into it.

Now, a sidestory built from the ground up for Wii, that would be perfect. Upgraded RE4 engine showcasing the continued adventures of Leon, anyone??


A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs