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DirtyP2002 said:

Welcome back.


It looks like the Wii has already peaked, true. But you better never underestimate Nintendo. If I were Big N, I wouldn't care THAT much about the Wii right now to be honest. They have a great line up with Wii Party, DKC, Zelda and Kirby. Those four games will easily sell 20 million copies. Dragon Quest on the Wii in Japan will be sick.

But I think they are really concentrating on the 3DS right now. Internal development must be heavily focused on this new device. Make sure you have an awesome launch line-up and the 1 or 2 years after released are filled with great titles. That is their main task right now.

I don't think both HD systems will outsell the Wii. They will eat in each other sales way too much.

I believe the ps3 may eat into the wii's sales, and maybe the 360 too, Kinect might be A HUGE attraction for those looking for a new gaming experience.

What I do believe may hurt the wii significantly is JAPAN, and potentially "OTHERS", its clearly beginning to lose its grip in japan, and nintendo as of rigth now has NOTHING to stop that from happening, DQX is the biggest game the wii or any console is going to release in japan, but that comes a year from now I believe. While the PS3 Has heavy hitters too, and more games to support lengthy high sales..  it's almost twice the price of the wii in japan (which shows you that a price cut could have a serious impact). Move and a price cut may push the ps3 WELL ahead of the wii in that region, Europe may go to the ps3 once move comes out.

Move is a huge factor, because it tends to make people believe they can get a similar wii experience on the ps3, and potentially a superior  experience (if sony markets it correctly) which may push those interested in the wii towards the ps3.. Especially since some of the wii's bigger 3rd party games may get pushed onto the ps3 as enhanced ports "Dead space extraction , EA sports Active, are just two of the ones that come to the top of my mind".

Kinect is also a big factor, because not only will it bring huge life into the 360, but its new to the general consumer, and it may attract a huge crowd. Both are win win situations for HD consoles in general, as Bluray continues to become more mainstream, and 3D is beginning to hit the mainstream market. Wii has NONE of that, it aleady has an amazing install base, but it's sales later on may take a huge hit from the competition. So we'll see again..

