KylieDog said:
This is damn hilarious, Nintendo innovated during the N64 cause of their new content... despite the genres they made already existed... they innovated because of new game play... when all they truly did was take older games like Mario and Zelda and fine tune the controls to work in a 3D space by having a controller with an analog stick and introducing Z-targeting because plenty of PS1 titles tried the same genres before Nintendo did it and failed cause they didn't make the controls work.
They took a controller and made games work around those controls in amazing ways... it was their biggest innovation of the 64 era... simply making 3D games work lol there were no new genres, there was nothing new about the game play other than how the controller influences and dictates the game play you can deliver. Platformers where you collected things? Existed before Mario 64, Adventure games where you explore and build up to a big final boss? Existed before Zelda OoT, making it where your character can run at different speeds, precisely jump while able to control your jump well? Well that one you can attribute to Mario 64 and the analog stick. Making a character able to fight in a 3D space with accurate control? It was tried with some really terrible auto lock games, but adding a button to help the control of the character AKA Z Targeting, yeah that was Zelda.
I just find it hilarious that just like then, game play was shaped around the controller and using smart design around that control input to make better controlling therefore better playing games, today the Wii controller has a crap load of games shaped around the controls, doing things not done on older controllers, like you couldn't precisely cut an object like you would in Wii Sports Resort, the closest thing will be the new MGS game. Then you take old genres and make the game play better because the input its shaped around is better, Metroid Prime 1&2 had rather clunky controls while, Metroid Prime 3 created a much better experience because you could move shoot and aim all at the same time... so good in fact people wanted the older titles with that sort of control and game play
But wait that doesn't count so Nintendo has done nothing!
MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"
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