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Sales Discussion - WW Up! - View Post

Nintendogamer said:
AnthonyW86 said:

I might be jumping the wagon a bit on this one, but i do think Nintendo would(and should) be the first to realease a new console. The current Wii will keep on selling regartless of a new and more powerfull system(as it has already shown), and with the right price will keep on selling for a long time(just like the PS2 did, probably even better).

Either way a new system is the only way i can think off for Nintendo to win back the core crowd. Atleast that way they could attract all the muli-platform games that the Wii is missing out on right now.

New console will only come when Miyamoto demands it, that's what Reggie said, so I think a new system wont come sooner than Q1 2012.

Offcourse, i didn't mean right now sorry. But it would make sense for them to do it within 2 years from now, beginning of 2012 or maybe even holiday's 2011. Either way it would be smart to beat Sony and Microsoft to it, and the 3DS shows they could announce it E3 2011 and release it later that year.