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Wii Party looks like Mario Party with the soul taken out of it. I don't think it will sell; I made the mistake of "Wii game = sell" with Wii Music and won't again. If it was a new Mario Party fully using motion control then I'd agree it would be a mega-hit.

DKC and Kirby should sell solidly and, more importantly, push Wii momentum.

Metroid Other M will sell but won't push hardware as people who like Metroid will have already bought a Wii, and I don't think the game will appeal to the wider market because of too much story/cutscenes/making Samus 'human'.

Pokepark looks like an average-quality spinoff. Home console Pokemon games have never sold great, not like Ranger and Mystery Dungeon have on the DS.

Fling Smash can be as AAA and critically acclaimed as it wants, it isn't going to break 500k. Probably a shame.