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Man I apparently missed this thread yesterday I'll read up when I've got the time, some of the debates are simply hilarious.  Though some of it sounds like parroting the "hardcore" view that has been pandered by trolls, game sites, and just people too friendly to one company or another since 2007, that's just gotten old.

Game enthusiasts  typically just see Wii as a different form of game entertainment rather some plague on the game industry, the people I've met that actually do say things like that in real life are obviously in one companies camps and don't even give other consoles the time of day so why does their opinion matter? They're obviously not the masses and they aren't game fans they're fans of companies, so it's hard to get a good opinion of one system vs another from them.

Anyway will be back to read up later

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

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