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Just saw the weigh-ins on sherdog.......Carwin came out first, looks a bit flabbier than normal.  Normally, carwin is very muscular looks almost like a ripped running back or something but he had some flab around his gut that you didnt see against mir.  


Brock looked great I couldn't really tell that he lost part of his intestine, he didn't come out any smaller than usual, didn't have a scar, and actually looks to be in better shape than normal, looks just as big as he always has been but leaner.   Sounds great.   Brock also has more of that confident, alphamalesque kind of attitude during the weigh-ins. The question of whether brock is back to his old self has been answered.    


I know that hus is going to want to watch the weigh-ins b/c he's really wanting to see these monsters go at it. 


The lesnar and carwin weigh-ins are at 19:30 of the video that i'm giving a link to.