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selnor said:
aragod said:
selnor said:
aragod said:

Seems like a neat concept (the showroom car exploring, the driving sucks big time), but I can't imagine dancing around the room trying to check out 2-3 cars, basicaly doing squats... Well I'm not sold on that, head tracking is neat, but for the rest I'd prefer a classic racing setup with either wheel or atleast a controler. Kinect isn't really offering you anything that you wouldn't find from the competetion, maybe if there was a voice command to start your Bentley :).

And the imagination stops there with you I guess. 

What if Turn 10 implemented the other ideas they have, changing car parts yourself. Livery editor to include physically sparaying your car yourself. 

And for the thousand time, Turn 10 will include this fun take 5 mins out from hardcore racing as a side mode on Forza 4. The usual FFB wheel with motorized unit headtracking will be there.

This game will be car porn to the highest degree.

Changing parts yourself? That's neat, but also a useless gimmick, what do I gain from pretending to be mechanic? Not saying that it won't interest somebody, but it's a gimmick. Spraying the car? You can do that with the Wii, let alone Move (which is unlike Kinect actually really precise).

All I'm saying is that Kinect with Forza doesn't offer anything that couldn't be done elsewhere = implementing gimmick's. How many people will buy 150 USD device for these functions? Well I'm afraid that many, but those are really useless gimmicky functions that doesn't enhance the game in any way.

Obviously you dont buy hardware for 1 game. And in a racing game I want the wheel. So of course these extras are extras. 

But they are extras not all possible elsewhere. It's interaction on a car lovers level. Many people go on and on about GT being car porn. And for the car lovers. What more can a car lover want than to physically inspect every part of a car he'll never afford? Learn about maintaining and changing parts on a Ferrari?

Yeah some people wont bother, they just wanna race. But some people will love the feature. It's like having a personal Virtual car encyclopedia. Something you cannot get on any other console.

The main game wont change. But the game will feel far more complete as a car enthusiast game with these features.

If I'm not mistaken GT5 has something called photomode where you can set your cars into different locations, inspect them, walk around them and take pictures. I'm not sure how is that far from what was shown in the Forza demo but to me that seems pretty similar. Also with GT you'll have that in a couple of months and with models that are all looking like what they've shown in the Forza demo. On the other hand Forza doesn't have any future "proof" models, so they might have a lot of work on their hands if you are supposed to inspect and explore more of these highly detailed cars.

As for car maintance, you do realize that would mean modeling everything under the hood in 1:1? Generic and random interiors won't cut it (current Forza). So unless they are ready to basicaly remodel every car in such a detail as Polyphony did on their Premium Cars (see, PD is ahead, again) it won't cut it.

So far all I see are gimmicky functions that doesn't really offer anything new, and I don't think they can come up with something really interesting and revolutionary, that wasn't already done in an old WIi game (Zack and Wiki has both of the Forza functions in some form...).

MY HYPE LIST: 1) Gran Turismo 5; 2) Civilization V; 3) Starcraft II; 4) The Last Guardian; 5) Metal Gear Solid: Rising