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i love attach rates and percentages arguments used.  do they think we are morons?

lets use simple numbers for showing of game sales (purely fictional, just proving  a point)

Nintendo: 100 games in 09' and 90 games in 10'

Sony & MS: 25 games in 09' and 50 games in 10'

oh look both Sony and Microsoft improved software sales by 100%, while Nintendo declined by 10%

Now onto attach rates

Nintendo has 75 million Wii's sold and has sold 750 million software units.  Attach rate = 10:1

Sony & MS has 50 million of their consoles each sold and has sold 750 million software each units.  Attach rate = 15:1

Percentages and attach rate mean shit.  Its actual numbers.  A developter would chose concrete numbers over % or AR all the time.  If you sell 5 million of your game, that is it, you sold 5 million.  Congrats.  Who gives a shit if that 5 million on PS3 means the attach rate is higher, due to less hardware out there versus Wii.  5 million is 5 million regardless of other factors.