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d21lewis said:

You know, for a while now, PS3 owners have been saying that if everything else on Xbox Live were $50 a year and the online was free, hardly anyone would pay the annual fee for Live.  I fought this argument, tooth and nail.  I swore that the bonus features of Live were my main reason for paying the $50 a year and that if the PSN offered a similar program, I'd sign up for it.

Turns out, I was full of shit. 




Carry on.

The two services are pretty different if you ask me. Live, you're paying for  features. PSNplus, you're paying for I think 1 feature and basically paying for a bundle of games and making a down payment for a few things in the store to be cheaper. You're also paying for earlier access to games than everyone else.

EDIT: OT: 2 out of 49

4 ≈ One