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zarx said:
1er tigre said:

I agree with this ranking, Kirby is superb. But, no GT5? Really? Gametrailers gotta kiding...

Killzone 3 took the PS3 exclusive slot (there was one PS3 one X360 one Wii and 2 multiplat games you think that was a coincidence?), personally I would have picked GT5 over KZ3 tho. 

Exactly. Why isn't GT5  on the list? Or even F1 2010 driving in the rain.

 I think art sytle should count some in graphics but not the whole score. This is a joke. I really like the art sytle of VC on PS3 as it really fit the game well yet it would be a joke to give it the best graphic reward when it came out. What next 3D Dot Game Heroes winning the best graphic reward because it has a unique look.