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zero129 said:
ClassicGamingWizzz said:

RROD strikes again in a near future !!!

Reported for trolling as you're reply clarly was...

And also great sales for the 360 so far, next few weeks should be even bigger once it gets released to the rest of the world, and once hardware restraints go away.

I just have to lol at the sony fans saying "it wont last" , "sales should go back to normal within a few weeks"

i think ye guys now have alot to fear as now ye are starting to sound like the MS fans when the PS3 slim launched...

But, the fact is, it won't last.  Not as long as the PS3 Slim effect, anyway.  It's biggest boost is going to be these next 2-3 weeks.  I mean this is just a redesign, not a redesign $100 cut for it's lowest model.  A model that many felt was too expensive at $400.  In these next few weeks you'll have those looking to upgrade (this happened with the PS3 Slim as well), plus, and probably more importantly, the sales of the $150 Arcade and $250 Elite.  And since MS is phasing out those models, the supply for those isn't going to last.

Just for comparisons sake, when the PS3 Slim launch in America, one of its WEAKEST territories, it pushed sales to just over 164K for that week.  The 360 Slim just launched, plus had a $50 price-cut to all other models, in America, its STRONGEST territory, and sold just over 129K.  My only question is: What is MS going to do when Sony lowers the price of the PS3 to $250?  What about $200?  Not very much is all I can say.

And I know that sounds overly pessimistic if you own and prefer the 360, and you're probably right.  But, that's just how I see the future through my Sony goggles.    Either way, congrats on sales.  Enjoy them while you can.  MUAH HA HA HA HA ha...Ok, that was a little over the top.