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Netyaroze said:

Thank god I am immune to cute graphics my brain just doesnt spill the right amount of hormones if I see "cute" computer animated things therefor my judgment is not clouded.


Its just a  misused definition. Graphics are measurable things. Whereas Art Style is subjective. A lot of people mix both words together. Whereas I can see the appeal of Kirby and I can understand why people think it deserves some credit. I think its the wrong category. I dont think that Guerilla Games or Cytek is pissed because of that. Awards are overrate by the public the real credit for work is sold units. Thats the best Award of all. They probably crowned kirby to get more attention or to show we are not shallow we judge a game because of his Art. And people think probably similar.


Graphics are measurable ofcourse there is a grey area where Graphics clash together with Art Style. Thats why we need a clear definition. People who think it doesnt deserve the award just define graphics differently then the people who think it deserves the award (which probably think the others are superficial). Its just that everyone interprets the word differently. Some have a technical interpretation and some an Artistic one. Thats why those interpretations should be separated to avoid senseless discussions.

I guess that's also what I think.

That's a very good post btw.