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BHR-3 said:
hsrob said:
BHR-3 said:

docotors are morons you should keep the gameplay down though

but in the mean time try putting lavender oil mixed with st johns oil and olive oil on the effective area a few times a day let me know if you want to try it i'll give you the exact amounts of each oil to make the concoction also very warm water with massage helps too


100hrs a week yeah thats alot you should drop down to 30-40hr besides nerve damage there are other health risks to gaming that are even much worse than your wrist hurting

So doctors are morons and he should listen to an 11 year old from Antartica :P.

If he is having problems with his thumb it is most likely related to impingement of his median nerve in the carpel tunnel.  Although there may be an inflammatory component it is a mechanical problem which will be you'll have about as much luck treating with oils or any other pharmacopoeia as you will trying to mend a broken arm with some smelling salts.

The long term effects of letting this go unchecked or continuing the activity which either caused or exacerbated the problem are a little worse than a little bit of pain in the wrist.  The long term effects could be; loss of sensation on the lateral aspect of the hand, loss of muscular strength and wasting of the thumb muscles, inability to grasp properly and ultimately deformity of the hand.  Not good if you are in any kind of job that actully requires you to use both your hands.

Does he need to quit gaming, probably no.  Does he need to cut down or quit for now, certainly.  Can there be more serious side effects to your health from gaming besides a sore wrist, yes, but I'd argue that loss of function of a hand is quite serious enough. 

Would you be willing to stand by your advice that his wrist should be fine if he 'only' gamed 30-40 hours a week and rubbed a bit of St John's and Lavendar oil on his wrist.....?  Of course you don't have to because you are just some guy on a message board but his doctor has to be able to stand behind his advice and he obviously thought, for now, that there was no safe level of gaming for young Blink182.

I know who's advice I'd be listening to ;)

p.s. although I could be totally wrong and it might have nothing to do with the median nerve :)

doctors are morons b/c most all are not educated in curing illness and diseases only eastern doctors are im assuming he saw a western one, western docs are only educated in selling drugs and making money ask any western doc out of all the 6-8yrs in school how much did he learn about the human body and how it works and how to heal heal it compared to learning about drugs and which drugs to prescribe id say 90% of his education was learning about drugs

id say 6 weeks is a little excessive i believe that with the treatment id gave and about 1- 2 weeks off he can slowly get back to gaming and that he should never pass 30hr a week when hes fully recovered

i believe that the doc also must of given him some sort of "medication" that will kill off his good bacteria resulting in other diseases for him in the future and the medication can also damage his liver and kidneys with the advise i gave there are no side effects

"his doctor has to be able to stand behind his advice and he obviously thought, for now, that there was no safe level of gamin"

tell that the the millions that die every year form harmful medication prescribed by docs every year or the millions who die from surgery malpractice

doctors obviously thought that drugs like vioxx, bextra, tysabri, and many many others where safe for curing diseases but most of there patients that took them ended up dieing from them they better think better next time

Moron is a measure of intelligence, or lack thereof, not of a person's education. 

I'm not going to enter a long debate about this because it is a hugely complex issue but i would say that the advantage that western medicine has over eastern is (generally) regulation of standards and accountability. I'd be curious to know what country you actually live in because it has obviously coloured your impression of doctors.   To suggest that all doctors are glorified prescription drug pushers is not only to question their knowledge but to also suggest that they are somehow systematically amoral, an assertion I find rather ridiculous.

Millions die under the care of doctors around the world every year because hundreds of millions or billions of people in the world, including the very sickest, put their faith in doctors to help them, which they can't always do.  We know about Vioxx, Celebrex etc. because the medical industry is accountable for their actions but how many people die every year due to natural therapies and eastern medicine?  If China actually kept statistics on this kind of thing it might change the equation considerably on how safe people assume theses therapies to be.  The answer is however that we just don't know. 

To suggest that natural therapies are somehow immune from side effects is entirely naive, as any substance that can have a pharmacological effect within the body can also have a harmful effect on at least some people.  Furthermore, harm isn't just measured in terms of adverse effects but also in failure to receive appropriate, or best available therapies. 

You are also making assumptions about what the doctor 'must have given him' which is based on nothing other than your feeling and to be honest if his doctor did actually prescribe an antibiotic I would agree that he's a moron. While some antibiotics can in some circumstances and in some people cause serious liver and kidney damage, to suggest this is the normal matter of course is ridiculous and is you simply ignoring the facts to make a point.

What I find most interesting however is that his doctor has prescribed, as far as we know, nothing more than abstinance whereas you have 'prescribed' St John's Oil, a substance that although generally well tolerated has known side effects.  Yet you are the one suggesting that all western doctors know nothing other than prescription. 

Most good exponents of natural or eastern medicines still have an excellent knowledge of anatomy and physiology as it is as vital to their practice as it is to any western doctor.  Furthermore if they are to be responsible for their patient's health they need to have a good understanding of any therapies that a western doctor might have given their patient and how they could potentially interact.  You have thusfar demonstrated no such knowledge and therefore I will return to my original point.

Blink182, listen to your doctor.  (unless he actually did prescribe you antibiotics and then he is a moron)