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Well if it's not a mental condition it might be a physical condition. This symptom won't be from masturbation alone. Likely it would be the chemical and muscular process and that would occur making love to yourself or some one else. If this is the case I suggest you go see your doctor sooner than later.

Also keep in mind that most of the world people who do masturbate. Which is a lot. Don't complain about these difficulties. This stimuli is extremely natural and part of the body for reproduction. Which is again pointing that your having a medical situation. Go to the doctor. Go to the Doctor, Go to the Doctor

Seriously for your own health and not just your sexual health. Go to the Doctor. You have no idea what could be causing these symptoms. It might be something far more serious. It might be nothing at all. You should not be experiencing these kinds of after effects. It's not normal.

Go to the Doctor

sigh. you had to mention Chi and older beliefs. You don't need to believe in Chi/Ki/Kundalani..... or much of that stuff at all. MIT has already discovered that the human body generates a magnetic field. This field clearly is a type of energy. The magnetic field is not static. It changes based on mood and chemical state. It's possible that when you masturbate you might be building up energy and just discharging it.

The Kama Sutra was based on a Indian philosophy of Tantra where sex with another would be a union of energies. So I suppose sex by yourself could lead to a loss of energy as there would be no balance between feminine and masculine energies.

If either of these energies cases if you want to consider true. You might have an imbalance in your life in regards to your field. Again though this means that you still need some for of treatment.

Either way. GO TO THE DOCTOR.

Squilliam: On Vgcharts its a commonly accepted practice to twist the bounds of plausibility in order to support your argument or agenda so I think its pretty cool that this gives me the precedent to say whatever I damn well please.