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OoSnap said:

Well, it's true for me at least.

I swear after masturbation (I'm a male) the next day I will have blackheads and whiteheads and my skin is a lot drier. I also feel mentally groggy and less energetic. I won't feel motivated to do anything.

I lasted almost 40 days without masturbation several times and at that time I felt so alive, made more gains when lifting weights, and my mind was so much more clearer. I felt like I could conquer the world.

I know this isn't just in my head because I never believed in those "myths" before.

I did some Google searches on stuff related to my experience and lo and behold there are many others who have said the same thing in forums.

Scientists says otherwise but I'm certainly convinced through anecdotal experience that masturbation is bad for the mind and body. And there are numerous stories of people having a similar experience which bolsters my belief.

It is said Muhammad Ali would hold off sex for months before a fight. Leonardo da Vinci spoke about holding off and its positive effects in his notebooks. Same with Benjamin Franklin, as he explained in the biography he wrote before he died. I wonder if there is something to the ancient Chinese idea that you lose 'chi' when ejaculating.

Anyone have similar a experience?

Maybe you lost your mind after 40 days. And doesn't do anything to me.