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A203D said:
theprof00 said:
A203D said:

Hate to be the person who brings up the obvious, but are you sure its not the disc, is it scratched or something?? imo opinion it looks like the tv isnt recieving the signal properly. but obviosuly i dont know that, i would try different wires, different settings, maybe a different tv, before coming to this overheating conclusion.

it's an e74 error. This is exactly the type of artifacts that appear when the gpu is dying or faulty.

And did you read my post above? He looks like a hardcore gamer, not the type to fuck up a console just to burn MS over the internet. You'd have to ignore the setup he has in his room to consider that he might have had a loose wire. That kind of person doesn't look like someone who doesn't check their equipment first.

Unless he's just a huge troll with something to gain...I don't know why he would buy 4 360s and THEN make this video.

Well, i've never seen an e74 error. but i was under the impression that would stop you from playing the game completely. and the game is clearly still running. i dont know why someone would buy 4 360's then make this video; but according to someone else on this thread people bought PS3s on launch then trashed them with baseball bats. i know that might not be true, but if thats even slightly possible then so is some troll imo.

the reason i think this could just be some simple mistake is because M$ have recieved huge backlash over the RROD thing, so it seems ridiculous that they would fuck up a brand new console with the same or similar error.

that's a group. SImilar to the "will it blend" guys who blend everything in their super-blender.
They acknowledge they are doing this for fun and do it to everything, not ps3s or 360s. There is no elaborate conspiracy behind it. People destroy hard drives all the time too and put it on video. They think it makes them cool. I would say that's a big difference.

Honestly, I don't think this is going to be a big issue. But I understand the fear that would make fans deny this as a hoax or faulty wiring. This would be a huge problem. I mean, coupled with the thing where simply lifting one side of the slim can make the console eat the disc, it's scary, i think. People in that thread said he violently shook the console, it's that way on every console, and nobody ever moves their consoles while playing. All of which are complete fabrications.

But it could eventually turn out to have been a hoax. We'll have to wait and see.

EDIT: also I need to clarify. Before your x-box tells you have have an e74 error and shuts down, you can still have an e74. The GPU isn't dead yet, but it's dying. It needs to completely die before the console calls it an e74. That is a limitation of the console not being able to identify intermediate changes. It's like cancer or something. You don't have to wait until someone is dead to call it cancer. It's cancer.