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themanwithnoname said:

You know theprof, I have a hard time taking your opinion seriously when you drug on a Forza thread to a ridiculous amount of pages because the movements weren't matching with the screen, completely ignoring how irrelevant that was to its actual performance (all the previews said it worked just fine).

Sorry, but you've gone out of your way this week to criticize just about everything Xbox 360 this week, and it's certainly not surprising to me that this seems to be your new favorite thread. I may be wrong, but to me this makes Zenfolder's opinion more credible than yours.

In fact, here is the first post and response to what you're talking about:

maximus22 said:

theprof00 said:
maximus22 said:
selnor said:

Did the op ever consider that Turn 10 programmed the game to instantly bring the cursor up when inside the car? 

It was all real onstage mate. So many people trying to put doubt on Kinect. Thats because its worked amazingly.

Oh good call.  I wish all of my games were pre-programmed that way I wouldn't make a mistake. 

Never once did I try to instill doubt.  I just posted what I saw and can prove.  And if it worked so amazingly well they wouldn't need to fake or "program" the demo.  Which they did. 

Give me a break dude.

BTW the cursor didn't come up when inside the car, it came up right before the guy moved his hand. 


Well, the only reason people like selnor keep saying that it's working amazingly well is because it was scripted.

Doesn't this seem misleading at all? How much will that performance change between what was shown and what is released?

Thank you.  I didn't think I had gone completely insane just yet. 

It's just, where's the line? If you're going to hide stuff from the audience... how far are you willing to go? Show fake graphics? Show fake titles? Honestly, looking at the featured kinect stuff, how many of those games are going to be in the actual game? You woo a crowd with ping pong and then the game turns out to not have ping pong. That can be justified. "It was something we were working on during kinect development, we decided not to go with it and instead included some other things that needed the space". Meanwhile, people are going to argue about these things that may or may not even be real. "We wanted to avoid bloopers and save time".

That's kind of messed up that we allow things like that to happen.






later on, I literally had to figure out what people were arguing about:

tuscaniman said:

theprof00 said:
youarebadatgames said:

You need your eyes checked, he's clearly moving his hand from the side of his thigh to the right stickshift.

just before that. it goes side of thigh to top of thigh to stick shift to ignition

"Give it up, Kinect works. Minority Report is coming to fruition. The voice control and full body control both work as advertised."

Theprof00 said:
"nobody is saying kinect doesn't work. Stop being defensive. We've been saying from the start that all the kinect stuff shown at the press conference was videos with actors acting them out.

to think this whole argument is because you think I'm saying it doesn't work."



here is me saying it again:

"nobody is saying the game doesn't actually work. We are talking about the on-stage body(lip)-syncing."


The argument evolved in this way from start to finish:

The kinect demo was faked, this is disappointing.
-No they didn't
Yes they did, look at these clips
-Ok, I can see it there, but the forza one was real
No it wasn't (long argument about mirror images because everyone ignored him moving slightly in a different direction)
-The game works
I know it does, but this is a video not a game being played
-Who cares?
I care, other people care, it's been all over the internet forums
-It wasn't on ign or other websites
You're right, it's on forum sites
- Forum sites are a small portion of hardcore niche gamers. Mainstream won't care.
Ok, I just think it's shady and manipulative
- Everyone is shady and manipulative
Nintendo and Sony aren't showing videos with people acting out playing the game on stage, and they never have.
-They wanted to avoid slipups like Zelda
Sure I understand, but that's part of the show, people give leeway for mistakes on stage. Mistakes happen.
- Manipulating the consumers is essence of the show.