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Squilliam said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:

Worst E3 ever for MS, for core gaming, very mediocre and eventless E3 for Sony as well, best E3 every for any company, for Nintendo, so it's no mystery who "won" the real question is, who "lost?"

That would be Microsoft. They should have sold me a little on the redesign. I don't see why I should buy it.

I don't see why you should buy it either.

Yeah, I don't see why anyone should. My point is, they didn't SELL it. They needed to, I dunno, give me a reason why this console is different from the regular Xbox outside of looks.

Let's be honest. Xbox 360 owners kinda want to upgrade. At least I do. However, it seems like this "redesign" is just the regular Xbox in a near identical case. Again, wifi and Hard-Drives aside, that thing needs to be sold to me, and not just be announced, before I care enough to buy it.

...and you know me. I've pretty much been accused, and VOTED in the top 10 Microsoft fanboys AND 10 ten Nintendo fanboys on this site.

Don't get me wrong either. The PS3's conference was also utter shit. People are kidding themselves pretending that casual games, and a completely KNOWN lineup of relatively minor core games, another E3 with a GT5 trailer, and a stand up comedian is anything but boring redundant PR bullshit. The capper was a the new twisted metal game(LEAKED by Pachter), which had graphics far too mediocre to appeal to its target audience. Also, the PSP is aweful, and dying, if E3 is any indication. I laughed during the PSP section of the show for all the wrong reasons. I think that it was terrible.

However, it managed to be significantly better than the MS press conference for several reasons. MS's conference had all the things that were wrong with the PS3 conference, which were compounded by the utter insistance of the company to embarass me with terrible motion control casual games that no one will ever buy. To top it all off the big "megaton" of the shitty redesign was LEAKED a day earlier, and I found out way more information from that damn leaked ad, then they decided to give us during the actual unveiling, so EXCUSE me if I'm a little pissed off after that poorly thought out joke of a press conference.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.