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Actually I did read it all and is addressed in bold.


leatherhat said:

Dear God Miyamoto in your infinite wisdom please save our heathen souls from the scourge that is MS and Sony and all other non nintendo developers. Please show the unwashed masses the greatness of the "third dimension" that nintendo invented and also of all the new and fantastic IP's that they have created this gen including the amazing new zelda and mario that have saved us all from the brown and bloom that all other non nintendo gaming is. And to those who would question their amazing innovation and charm, may you be struck down by the shiny white gods of gaming who watch over nintendo and ensure that they remain untouchable and objective criticism of them impossible. 





But really, I wrote this post because I'm sick of the pedestal that nintendo gets placed on. They can never do wrong, every idea they have is genius, and Miyamoto is the unquestioned God of gaming. They're just a game developer, a good one of course, but one that makes bad games and bad decisions like all others. Take the 3DS, or the best thing since sliced bread as most would call it. What does it have? A healthy amount of of ports, remakes, and software that is very "console" as opposed to the the quick bites that handheld gaming is supposed to be. Also, just one analog stick. You know what that reminds me of? The psp. And yet, unlike the psp, the 3DS remains without criticism. This is due to nintendo's infallibility amongst gamers.

(Do you even remember the launch of the PSP and how it couldn't possibly fail?  The press reaction was so one sided that even Nintendo was questioning if the risk would work.  As for being infallible that's what gamers seem to do for whoever they support, Nintendo, Sony, AND Microsoft has put absolute crap up on stage at one point or another and the loyalists both on forums and in the media reported how their shit smelled like roses)

People laugh at MS needing people to wear white gowns to their natal press conference, yet when nintendo announces that children shouldn't use the 3DS due to problems with muscle development, nobody bats an eye. Nintendo to the gaming world is like apple to a mainstream audience. Perfect, infallible, shiny, white and new. Everything they do is amazing, even when it sucks or the competition does something better. Nintendo gets praised for innovation, yet sony - and even MS- have released far more new IP's over the course of this generation. Where is the praise for them over games like patapon and locoroco?

(There's been plenty of praise for both those series, both from fans and critics, not really seen one negative thing said about those games ever, since we're all about calling out companies and games that don't take enough flack, we should call out all the people that didn't bash those games and point out their flaws.  But if you're upset cause they don't sell well?  It's most likely because they're a niche design in style and game play, does it mean they aren't good games with good style, hell no)

And the worst part is that nintendo can not be criticized. I admit there has been unfair shots at them, including faulting them for the failure of mediocre third party hardcore games on the wii. But even a reasonable critique is bashed as biased or "a fanboy argument." I myself fully expect to be yelled at over this post despite gaming on nintendo systems for longer than a lot of the people who will call me out. Hell, Majoras mask is neck and neck with Starcraft and Shining Force 2 for my favorite game of all time.  But since I broke the pact of unquestioned nintendo loyalty I will undoubtedly have people jumping on my back over it.

(Your typical, oh people will judge me but see look I like the group that I'm criticizing which makes me an unbiased point of view.)

Ill end with this, Sony has made bad decisions, Microsoft has made bad decisions - and when they do people call them out over it. Nintendo makes bad decisions, and no one says anything.  (This entire section is nothing but bullshit, just saying) Take this as an example, mario galaxy 2 is no more changed from mario galaxy then modern warfare 2 is changed from 1. But browse a gaming forum and you would think that mario galaxy 2 is the most innovative platformer of all time, despite LBP planet completely trouncing it in the innovation department. The 3DS looks great, and has a great software lineup- but nintendo has been beaten in game quality by its rivals for the past three years. So the 3DS isn't nintendo blowing is rivals out of the water, its nintendo trying to play catch up on the number of quality games that non nintendo devs have made over the past few years while they did very little. 

(Oh look this statement is supposed to distract you cause it's what is called a red herring)

Of course some will say that gaming journalists have mocked nintendo since the wii was announced, and there is truth to that, but its no more criticism then sony or MS received. And when ever nintendo releases a game from one of its big franchises like mario, zelda, or metroid (which are rarely added to with the last good IP from nintendo being Pikmin in 2001) it receives unanimous praise whether it deserves it or not (twilight princess).  I realize there is a target on my back now but I really wanted to say this. And don't get me wrong, I love nintendo, but part of love is being able to see someone for who they really are - imperfect. 

(Actually a large section of the gaming media had no problem with the Wii when it was announced, after having egg on their face about PSP vs DS and seeing the great things that came out of that they were very receptive until the battle of the peens started about late 2007, but 2005 people sort of laughed at Sony by E3 2006 everyone mocked them and did so until about 2008ish when the focus really was taken off their bad aspects and casuals, being how casuals ruin the game industry, became the hot button)

Personally I see you throw around what does and does not deserve praise or to be bashed but really can't seem to find one reason why you have any authority on the matter.  Oh well you're basically as meaningless to the gaming population as the fans that go out to forums and do what you're criticizing, your speech falls on deaf ears, especially those with a bit of sense.  For a tip if you want to come off as appealing to all sides on neutral the last thing you do is try to pass judgement basically saying you KNOW ________ is crap but ___________ is good and then try to cry out injustice in the world.  

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

Wii Friend Code - 5882 9717 7391 0918 (PM me if you add me), PSN - MaxwellGT2000, XBL - BlkKniteCecil, MaxwellGT2000