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To do the amazingly modest thing and quote myself ...

HappySqurriel said:

In North America Take Two had 68 games on the charts in 2007 with 56 of those selling less than 250,000 units. The breakdown by console is as follows:

22 (16 below 250,000)- XBox 360
14 (11 below 250,000)- PSP
13 (12 below 250,000)- PS3
10 (9 below 250,000)- PS2
6 (5 below 250,000)- Wii
3 (3 below 250,000)- DS

When you look at the distribution you will notice that they have been heavily supporting the systems which are selling the slowest and have the highest development costs. Personally, looking at their year it becomes clear why they're losing money being that they're (probably) somewhat profitable on their PSP, PS2, Nintendo DS and Wii libraries but are certainly losing a fortune on their XBox 360 and PS3 libraries.