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axumblade said:
Joelcool7 said:

After I saw the new slimmer X-Box shown I freaked. I immediatly traded in my Elite for a pre-order of the new Slim. Mine is supposed to arrive sometime this weekend and I am psyched for it. I'm alittle worried about the talk of the console scratching disks if moved, I'm not sure if I can play my console vertically.

I was wondering how many others have decided to buy the new slimmer 360?

I do want one because I think it looks sleek and I like the smaller size of it.

The 360 issue is if its moved while in action, which most people who move their consoles around while playing a video game are kind of idiots. x.o There's always a few exceptions but I don't see why anybody would bother moving their system while playing it.

True I can't recall the last time I moved my X-Box while it was on. I just don't like hearing negative news about a product I just ordered. Makes me feel alittle uncertain. I think I have moved it before while the console was on because of my fan which started making noises. Though I won't have the fan anymore for the Xbox so I don't think there would ever be a reason to move it while the disk is spinning.

Just incase I think I'll start buying those game warranties from EBGames, better safe then sorry!


"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer