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Combined software sales for Wii and DS pr 15th december are - worldwide - about 7.2 million. Nintendo sold 4.2 million games. This means that there were 3 million games sold, that were 3rd party, combined for DS and Wii.

The combined software for PsP,Ps3 and Ps2 is 4 million. Sony has sold 776k games. Which means that they have 3,25 million 3rd party game sales.

Microsoft has with the X360 sold 2,7 million games the last week. 700k of those are from Microsoft. That means 2 million are from 3rd parties.

In total, on all the main platforms the companies have, Nintendo beats Microsoft, but comes second to Sony.

If we divide it by the number of platforms, we get 1,1 mill pr Sony gaming machine, 1,5 pr Nintendo gaming machine and 2 million pr Microsoft machine.

That means, that Nintendo platforms sell about as many 3rd party games as Sony and Microsoft ones.

So apparently, the Wii is following the DS tracks. DS gained more and more 3rd party support, it looks like that is now happening to the Wii.

EDIT: There were some people who did not understand how I did things, and why I did it like I did. If you understood, you don't have to read this.

Software Totals:

Console Weekly
Total 14,217,216

As you can see, The Nintendo Family has about 7,2Million games sold, The Sony has 4M and Microsoft's has 2,7M

Publisher Totals:

Console Week
Nintendo 4,230,932
EA 1,898,021
Activision 1,379,769
Sony 776,798
Ubisoft 714,881
Microsoft 698,341

Nintendo Wii and DS have 4,2 Million games sold, that are made by Nintendo. That leaves 3 million for 3rd party on those consoles.

Sony has 776k - which leaves 3,2 for 3rd party developers

Microsoft has 700k - which leaves 2 million for 3rd party dev's.

Sony has 3 gaming machines, so average is 1,1M pr machine.

Microsoft has 1 gaming machine so average is 2M pr machine.

Nintendo has 2 gaming machines so average is 1,5 pr machine.

In % it is of course lower than the competition.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS