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How would you know if KINECT is going to be on OPRAH/ELLEN/all these wonderful shows?

I don't even want to continue posting in this thread.. The fact I'm reading "KINECT IS INNOVATION, PS MOVE IS A WII RIP OFF" is just extraordanary..

you can continue to have your own opinions, but all of you ignored PS MOVE at GDC because you all (most of the posters in this thread) don't even have a ps3..  I do, and I saw the games, and the reception for it was incredibly positive.. just because microsoft decided to finally reveal kinect and its games, doesn't mean suddenly the entire population wants kinect.. Move has had a head start, and will continue to have it come September.. so let's see who does better. Oh and i'm more than certain SONY wont just use coke cans as a form of advertisement..

