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Gaming Discussion - HDTV's - View Post

fishamaphone said: I'm sitting on my chair that came with the apartment, at my desk that came with the apartment, in my apartment that's $300/month, in front of my laptop that was $850 after rebate, surrounded by various dirty dishes that collectively cost me something like $5, next to a stick I found on the street last week (it's a really nice stick)... Oh! and my $150 20" CRT TV that's hooked up to my $150 (at time of purchase) GameCube, which is itself hooked up to the $15 replacement AC adapter I had to buy over the Summer. Oh, and of course the two single beds that came with the apartment, and the stick I paid $20 for when I went to the Keys back in like '03. erm... there's more, but I don't really think I should be going into minutiae.
You only pay $300 rent? My rent is $1154/month for a 500 square foot shit hole ...