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kowenicki said:
mirgro said:
kowenicki said:
Solid_Snake4RD said:
Mr Khan said:

The article talks of getting out ahead of Microsoft and Sony, as if that's all you have to do to be king of the console game...

if they launch and have a low price and good games,they would be first in console race as they have a big brand name too


the main reasons HD consoles failed and Wii eclipsed was that XBOX didn't have good brand name,PS3 had good brand name but it was too much out of reach expensive and Wii had a good brand name and low price

The HD consoles failed?  eh? 

MS sold 25m Xbox's - the 360 is currently at 40m, so they will easily DOUBLE what they did last gen, on top of that the 360 is now the 6th best selling home console ever and will soon past the SNES and possibly the NES before its done.

On your other earlier point.. Philips was the majority royalty maker from CD, and on DVD it was split between many many companies... on Blu-Ray it is estimated that Sony own about 25% of the IP. royalties from blu-ray will never get anywhere near DVD.

One SD console sells almost just as well as all HD consoles combined. That can be defined as failure pretty easily.

So every console that is outsold by more than 2:1 by the leader or doesnt finish first the gen is a failure?   thats nonsense.... I dont think nintendo think their last two consoles were a failure.

Nintendo 64 outsold by almost 3:1 (PS1)

Gamecube outsold by 7:1 (PS2)

Failure is too strong a word.

The goal of any business is to have sold the most, or rather, made the most money. Even if the gap wasn't so big, the products still failed when compared with the rest of the market. They just failed to achive what the business set out to do.

In fact when we are talking about a gap "selling as much as all the competitors combined." It would be even much more appropriate to label said competitors as not just failing, but miserably failing, in their business venture.

Political correctness is for unrealistic and insecure people, so no, fail isn't too harsh a word, it's the word that best describes the situation of the HD consoles.