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yes, and it went #1 on pop radio..


it pisses me off when gaga herself doesn't get as much credit as she deserves, because I believe she is underrated.. most people don't understand that because of her we left the horrid hip hop scene (and only the true hip hop artists stayed behind aka eminem, kanye, and even new comers like Drake, whcih are pretty good), the moment I saw her "THE FAME PART 1" video, she was the most unique thing I have seen on this earth, and something i've always thought of, but never saw someone do.. that's when I fell in love with her as an artist. She only continued to impress me non stop, I found out her voice was jaw dropping, her piano skills were uncomparable to most people, she writes all her music and some for other artists (adam lambert, spears, etc..) she designs all her performences from the top down with her team "haus of gaga" and she just continues to grow... her videos get better and better.. I remember when poker face came out, I liked it because of the song, then love game because of the song and the look, then paparazzi pushed it up to a whole other level, the art started to grow, and BAD ROMANCE just took over youtube..


