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This is ranking list of ff games according to user reviwes avrge on this website, though it wud be gud to see hw game r doing (only main game included, no remake inclded)

Link to user review ranking of FF game by order: Fantasy &keyword=&console=&region=All&developer=&publisher=&genre=&boxart=Both&results=50&order=User Score



1. Final Fantasy VI (SNES) - 9.4/10 (39 people hve voted)

2. Final Fantasy VII (Playstation) - 9.0/10 (97 people have voted)

3. Final Fantasy IX (Playstation) - 8.9/10 (93 people voted)

4. Three Way Tie:

Final Fantasy X (PS2) - 8.6/10 (116 people voted)

Final Fantasy IV (SNES) - 8.6/10 (25 people voted)

Final Fantasy XIII (xbox 360) - 8.6/10 (30 people voted)

5. Two Way Tie:

Final Fantasy VIII (PlayStation) - 8.5/10 (83 people voted)

Final Fantasy XIII (PS3) - 8.5/10 (128 people voted)

6. Final Fantasy I (NES) - 8.1/10 (6 people voted = agen nt very accurate, low amount ppl voted)

7. Final Fantasy XII (PS2) - 8.0/10 (92 people voted)


8. Final Fantasy V (SNES) - 7.4/10 (4 people voted = nt vry accurate, low amount ppl voted)


IF u count ffx-2 in the main series it did 7.4/10 with 71 votes


Sum awards:

Highest rated avg - FF6 (9.4/10)

Highest critic score avg - FF4 (10/10) - but it hs only 1 review, FF7 would be 2nd

Lowest Critic score avg - FF5 (7.5/10)

Most "overrated" by critics (counted by diffrence in score betwen critic score and user score):

FF4 diffrence of 1.4 points (user score - 8.6, critic score - 10.0)

FF12 diffrence of 1.4 points (user score - 8.0, critic score - 9.4)

Most "underrated" by critics (diffrence between user score and critic score):

FF13 diffrence of 0.5 points (user score - 8.5, critic score - 8.0)


Best Playstation FF - FF7

Best SNES FF - FF6

Best PS2 FF - FF10


I hop i hve spelt most of it correctly? (som of u hate my spelling) I did this jst as fun to see hw games were doing.

Do u agree with the ranking?

Link to user review ranking of FF game by order: Fantasy &keyword=&console=&region=All&developer=&publisher=&genre=&boxart=Both&results=50&order=User Score