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10-15 million more is insane!! i doubt that... yes they could've sold more, but i doubt it would be more than 2 mil... U can say they blew it, but not even the most positive analyst would've predicted this kind of wii domination which matched the PS2 and even more! After the gamecube, i would've thought they would be mad to produce more than 500k a month! But credit to nintendo, they took many chances, one with the wii, which many thought would fail, and second by increasing production, for didnt alot of us think the wii was a fad that would end soon??? maybe shipment could be better and more efficient, but in the end they dont care about the weekly charts as much as they care about the final result... and we arent qualified to know how this business works which is very complicated. U cant be too conservative and at the same time can't take too many risks. What nintendo are doing is pretty good, and they did it better than anyone else in the market. They have been in the gaming business for a long long time, and i bet they can handle this by their own and dont need our advice!!!