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MrBubbles said:
superchunk said:
Tanstalas said:
superchunk said:
Tanstalas said:
superchunk said:
MrBubbles said:
superchunk said:
MrBubbles said:

pushups:  80

weight:  560

560 what? grams? ounces? lol


560 Stones = 7840 Pounds

That makes no sense.

The suit probably weighs at least 7500 pounds...

Don't tell me you didn't notice his name and avy picture?

ok, but he's also not doing 80 pushups in that suit. So one has to give.

I've never seen bubbles without the suit...

I have and its not a pretty site.

you didnt have any complaint when you were all over my drill...

.... hole. I didn't you're hole was very nice.