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1. you can jump on things and kill them without leaving a corpse
2. You can carry many items on you and it won't affect how you travel
3.  Animals know how to drive planes
4. monkies can bat with a baseball glove
5. you can wak on lava and not get burned if you have a certin shirt
6. You will never die as long as you have some mushrooms and fairies!
7. Nintendo teached me how to do a barrel roll!
8. Flapping your arms really fast will make you float for a couple of seconds.
9. all dinosaurs come from the same size egg as they were born
10. You will alwas come back even after you die
11. Capes can make you fly
12. 40 year old men can be fairies too!
13. Captain Rainbow finds... special... objects for those in need.
14. You can't trust Louie with Pikpik carrots.
15. Always eat the fungus and mould growing out of rusty pipes.
16. If all else fails hit it with your head.
17. They should've used vacuum cleaners (instead of those proton packs) in Ghost Busters.
18: It is possible to compress your body into a ball
19: Milk is an amazing healer

20: Turtles can fly :D
21. Samus was a girl!
22. After picking a certain flower you can throw fire balls.
23. You should press Start to play.
24. Wii would like to play.
25. You don't need a helmet to breathe in space.
26. Snaking is a legitimate kart-racing strategy.
27. Mushroom Can talk.
28. The princess is in another castle.
29. If you touch a star, nothing will harm you
30. Foxes secretly have space wars with other animals
31. Bad guys ALWAYS leave a way for you to defeat them
32. Throwing bombs will not get you arrested for terrorism, just help you win the race
33. Rainbows are hard to drive on
34. Monkeys wear hats and shirts DAILY
35. Blue shells are a commuter's worst nightmare
36. Getting high off scrooms is a good thing, and will help you succeed in life
37. There are green dinosaurs that pop out of eggs that will let you ride them. they can also fly
38. You can hold whatever the hell you want in your pockets, but the second you take them out to use, they slow you down
39. You're supposed to not have arms.
40. Zelda Timelines are impossible to understand. Better of learning 200 things you learn about nintendo
42 Monkeys can ride animals
43 swords can shoot
44 you can save what you are doing and come back later and start where you left off
45 pets can fit in balls
46 you can throw objects at other players driving and they will survive
47. Your Brain Age is lower than your real age.
48. Tripping makes you lose all your powerups at the start of a new adventure.
49. Wolf O'Donnell can't let you do that.
50. If your are fighting a bunch of dudes and use a fancy finishing move everyone will wait for you to finish
51. the more someone flashes red or yellow the closer he is to death
52. If you're ever short on cash just break into someone's house and smash all their porcelain
53. If you're ever short on cash, just sell anything you find to a raccoon
54. Everyone will let you in their house
55. Everyone will talk to you
56. Your free to loot treasure chests in peoples homes
57. touching a star turns you into a rainbow
58. robots can drive extremely fast
59. when turtles heads fall into lava they can still come back
60. Polar bears wear sunglasses and pink shorts.
61. Gardening skills are important if you ever crash land on another planet.
62. You gotta catch 'em all!
63. The bigger the 3D glasses, the bigger the headache.
64. Storks DO deliver babies. Sometimes they mess up.
65. 1 Mario is good, 128 Marios is totally awsome.
66. Skirt physics is a nightmare.
67. Being lazy is good and makes you rich
68. humans are able to jump four times their hight, they just don't know it yet
69. Whistles can transport you to other lands
70 (lulz a special one for this). You can see Samus nude by hitting her with electricity
71. As time goes on 1up shrooms will eventually take over the mushroom kingdom and space
72. And in the future... all is devastation
73. Transvestite aliens are really nice people
74. It's dangerous to go alone
75. You will never truly catch them all... EVER... they just keep coming in packs of about one hundred
76. That child/animal/spousal abuse is fine as long as you throw them off the edge of a tall building or moving platform
77. Green dinosaurs have very long tongues
78. The last Metroid is in captivity. The Galaxy is at peace.
79. Don't sweat it if you happen to be killed by a galactic bounty hunter. Cloning will get you back and ready for more
80. He is Error
81. You get big when you take mushroom.
82. Maximum Tomatoes will heal the most fatal wounds.
83. A person can have up to 20 hearts if they look hard enough.
84.Spicy food makes animals run faster then they normally do.
85. You can stand on clouds
86. Bushes are just different colored clouds.
87. You can sell a fish to a beggar for 100 rupees
88. Adults always carry more money than kids, and it is because they have bigger Ruppes bags
89. you can put whole fruits in the ground to grow trees
90. you can walk all the way to the left side of the world and end up on the right side
91.  You cannot grasp the true form of Giygas' attacks
92.  Trees burst into flames when attacked... with anything...
93.  Fox has pretty smooth flying
94.  Glass Joe gives even frenchmen a bad name
95.  That gorillas and plumbers don't get along
96. we are all enslaved by the raccon
97. people  will take turns attacking each other
98. Birds can carry your weight
99. You don't need legs for sports
100. somone is watching you all the time

In order for this not to go too long here is the other hundred Click me

Tag:I'm not bias towards Nintendo. You just think that way (Admin note - it's "biased".  Not "bias")
(killeryoshis note - Who put that there ?)
Switch is 9th generation. Everyone else is playing on last gen systems! UPDATE: This is no longer true

Biggest pikmin fan on VGchartz I won from a voting poll
I am not a nerd. I am enthusiast.  EN-THU-SI-AST!
Do Not Click here or else I will call on the eye of shinning justice on you.