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i can do about 55 pushups right now, if i don't work out at all i can do about 35-40.

well i trained for a half a year one time specifically for pushups and was able to do 130 pushups, ended up being a waste of time.  Even though i could do tons of pushups i was really only good at pushups.  I started lifting weights right after that and quit pushups and i got much stronger, after about 4 months of lifting weights i was way stronger in almost ever way but i could only do 60 pushups compared to the 130 i could do before.  Pushups are good but it's better to have a well rounded workout.

I do knuckle pushups with a slightly wider than shoulder form, i go all the way down until i just about touch the ground. 

currently playing: Skyward Sword, Mario Sunshine, Xenoblade Chronicles X