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JPL78 said:

There is a reason why "adult themes" are labeled as such.  Nintendo's games have a massive lack of adult themes, hense some people say they are childish.  Now I don't care if a good platformer looks like Mario or Gears of War.  Presentation and graphics are not half as important as gameplay.  That said, when it comes to story I want something a little more mature than "hero saves princess... again"  That's a story you tell 6 year olds and Nintendo thinks we are all eternally 6.  The large sales numbers of such games tell me they are probably right.  Give me something thought provoking like Red Dead Redemption any day of the week, but hey, different strokes for different folks.  I did love those games when I was a kid.

As for Morgan, she's allright but she's a big FPS/RTS and MMO gamer, obviously she's not going to be a fan of the Wii.

And seriously, when the E rated to M rated ratio is like 20:1 on any given system, yes, people will say its a childish system.  Just look at the Wii game case in any store and honestly tell me you see a lot of games aimed at adults.  And I honestly would like to know the real ratio of E to M on the Wii.

See, about story, it's not like every tittle should have "though provoking story". Your apparent assumption that you either like tittles with no/bare-bones story or you like tittles with more dense storys, but not both, is also wrong. That's kind of like saying people can't like both comedy and suspense. Thing is, both have their strenghts and both can be appreciated in different ocasions. So yeah, when you look at it and so many games nowadays are story-driven, it's kinda silly to complain there's this one game which is just purelly about near-perfect gameplay.

EDIT: Besides, now that I think of it, this is a bit off-topic. The girl said herself she'd rather have Mario with no story at all, so that was obviously not her point.