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JMan said:

"And I don’t want to get in their heads, they are great business people, they run their company well, my view is this is something they should do."

As an analyst he is supposed to be getting into the heads of the business people, to understand the way they think so he can make predictions about what they'll do and investors can decide based on those predictions which stocks to pick.  Nintendo doesn't do the "us too" anymore.  When Sony and Microsoft decided their market this gen was the same as last gen, "da l33t gam3rz", and Nintendo said "been there, done that, we'll just market to everybody else" and lo and behold they've made mega moolah, that was a pretty good clue that they didn't need to do the "us too".


Nintendo wasn't hardcore last gen, they were the same as they are now, its just now they got motion controls.

Casual games wont outsell hardcore games, but casual games with motion controls will.