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Patcher is wrong because he is using the old ways, not the new ways. In 2005 and 2006, it made sense that Nintendo would lose with an non-HD system. Beck then, the battle ground was about visuals. Now, in 2010, it is about motion controls. It is evident as Sony and Microsoft are making motion controls despite no Wii HD.

Patcher is going to be wrong so long as he uses the old ways. He needs to think in the new ways. Had he, he'd say "Microsoft and Sony need Wii controls to compete with the Wii," That would make sense as the Wii was beating out both of them. But a Wii HD is rediculous. But he still thinks graphics are the key factor.

I don't know why Wedbush is still in business. Are people going to take them seriously when their video game analyst is constantly wrong and wont shut up. That has to hurt their reputation. It's not hard to find that Nintendo is disrupting the industry. Go to Hardvard Business Press and seach "Nintendo," and there is Scott Anthony saying how Nintendo is disrupting video games. A logical person would then find out more about disruption. Or just read Malstrom. Any sensable person would see that Patcher is an idiot and even if he's not serious about what he said, people are going to see him as the idiot he potrays. I'm not sure how good this is for Wedbush to know one of theirn analyst is publically wrong all the time. Would you spend a lot of money for market analyst from someone who is wrong?