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mr_capello said:
superchunk said:
mr_capello said:

I don't get why people pretend that  the "casual gamer" isn't interessted in hd graphics ?

The selling point of the wii is the new way to play

and if this new way to play looks even better they wanna have it

we're talking about an audience that buys ipods etc because the design is so "awesome" and everyone owns one  and not because it's the best player out there (no it's not)

that's  why it's logical because people are easy to impress with effects

Its not that they are not interested, otherwise they wouldn't be buying HDTVs. Its that they are more than likely not interested in buying a $300 PS3 plus associated costs for 2 player Move system and games.

Instead, they would stick with the Wii as it provides the experience they are already satisfied with for a far less price.#s

yeah it's not  cheap that's right, but gaming is not realy a cheap hobby

It probably has more effect on people who don't own a console yet

If you don't own a console AND you own an HDTV, then yes you're still wrong.

Wii is $200 with tons of free games in the box in two color options. It has Wii Fit and a multitude of other great 'casual' based games.

A new PS3 w/Move and some games will be $100 more than the Wii and the games in question on either system are not graphics intensive games.

Its just not the same market.

Unless Move gets a ton of super unique (i.e. not ported to Wii) games that pull the same desire as Wii Sports/WSR/WFit/Mario Kart/NSMBWii/ etc etc, it will have no effect on this generation.