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ishkabibble said:
Final-Fan said:

2. Awful analogy.

Regarding your condescending dismissal of my iPod commentary: you chose to ignore my argument in favor of belittling me.

As far as the iPhone part of the debate is concerned, you've conceded my point:

Next, the supposedly lethargic increase in production:

You only had two comebacks

Bzzt. Wrong.

Wow. You are so right. Nintendo deliberately decided to massively underproduce the Wii, because it hates money.

You called me belittling and condescending? Look at your own posting style before making accusations.

I'll respond to all of your points when I have time.


-an "idiot, troll, or fanboy"

[edit: corrected spelling of "debate" both here and up above]

Let's start by defining our terms:
condescension: 1. voluntary descent from one's rank or dignity in relations with an inferior; 2. patronizing attitude or behavior ( So, 2. or behaving as if 1.; also, "talking down".
belittle: 1. to speak slightingly of : disparage
disparage: 1.
to lower in rank or reputation : degrade; 2. to depreciate by indirect means (as invidious comparison) : speak slightingly about
slighting: (adj.) 1. characterized by disregard or disrespect : disparaging

Jigglypuff said: ... "2. Awful analogy" Not to mention that Jigglypuff wasn't even talking to you; and by the way, it is possible for an analogy to be "awful". So, me quoting Jigglypuff could not possibly be condescending to you or belittling you; moreover, I assert that Jigglypuff was not even condescending or belittling to Godsmurf.

"[...] you've conceded my point" I saw (and still see) this as a simple statement of fact free of implication and innuendo, and explain my reasoning. In what way is this condescending or belittling?

"Next, the supposedly lethargic increase in production" This is mainly an introductory remark and was intended only to highlight the dubiousness with with I viewed your claim. It is arguably somewhat belittling to your argument, which is very different from belittling you. In what way is this condescending or belittling to you?

You only had two comebacks" This is definitely belittling your arguments. I don't think it belittles you except to the extent that you suffer from the discrediting of your arguments. I still don't see that I've been condescending. In what way is this condescending or belittling to you?

"Bzzt. Wrong." Fine, this one is belittling to you. My only defense is I was very annoyed because your claim was so patently untrue. As my recent response asks, how does the existence of one qualified exception to "biggest first-year increase ever" disprove the main thrust of my argument? Actually, don't answer that in your response to this; leave that for the main exchange for simplicity's sake. Rather, answer this: In what way is this condescending to you?

"Wow. You are so right. Nintendo deliberately decided to massively underproduce the Wii, because it hates money." OK, you got me. This one passage, out of my entire post, is belittling and condescending - and sarcastic to boot. I don't think that this means that my posting style as a whole is so disrespectful of others that I can't call people on stuff like

"If you're ignorant about how complex devices are, then maybe you shouldn't be speaking about it."

when it seizes on a stated disclaimer of expertise in order to dismiss my entire argument. I was angry that you'd used an excuse that implied I was some sort of ignoramus groping in the dark talking about technology I couldn't comprehend to avoid having to actually come up with a counterpoint. This, along with what seem to me to be similar misrepresentations and dodges in your posts, led directly to the only other insult I have directed at you -- "idiot, a troll, or a fanboy".

Speaking of misrepresentation, what on earth caused you to attribute Jigglypuff's post to me, if not a failure to carefully read my post?

By the way, I think your entire post oozes the definition of snide.

Tag (courtesy of fkusumot): "Please feel free -- nay, I encourage you -- to offer rebuttal."
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My advice to fanboys: Brag about stuff that's true, not about stuff that's false. Predict stuff that's likely, not stuff that's unlikely. You will be happier, and we will be happier.

"Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts." - Sen. Pat Moynihan
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The old smileys: ; - ) : - ) : - ( : - P : - D : - # ( c ) ( k ) ( y ) If anyone knows the shortcut for , let me know!
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I have the most epic death scene ever in VGChartz Mafia.  Thanks WordsofWisdom!